Sponsor my independent Space & Moon writing

Hi, I’m Jatan Mehta, a globally published independent writer on a lifelong mission to promote the exploration of space and our Moon. All my work is absolutely free to access by everyone, and I never display ads. If you love what I do, and you or your organization would like to get visibility with my global space and lunar audience, kindly consider sponsoring my work.

My sponsors & supporters


Here are the kind organizations who currently sponsor either my Moon Monday newsletter or the Indian Space Progress reports.

And here are individuals sponsoring more than one edition of my newsletters in a year:

And here are the organizations who have previously sponsored Moon Monday or Indian Space Progress with at least $500. My sincere thanks goes to them as well.


Here are the kind people who have donated me at least $50. Thank you so much to everyone in here.

To an open and spacey future for everyone.

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